★ fair-skinned person Compare no problem with the color on the dress, with the would be more convenient, not much of a problem.
★ relatively dark skin who Suggestions can pick some bright lines of the dress, you can create a sexy contrast healthy atmosphere, like blacks usually on the street, wearing bright clothing like a great escape, but to highlight the beauty of a conflict and eye-catching, but this attempt the premise is that you must have an average healthy and have a glossy dark sense of healthy skin, so the effect of gloss, a perfect foil to his charming qualities.
★ dull yellowish who Do not try as much as possible like the purple, sapphire blue, cinnamon, lotus root color, copper and gold ... such color dresses, purple, sapphire blue not white will make the already dull skin more sallow, and cinnamon, lotus root, this copper-gold category except white skin tone, otherwise compared with Asians had yellowish skin and dress the whole illusion of a sense of integration, completely unable to appear out of focus, it seems far too close to the boundary of the skin even with the dress.