Wedding flower number should be more not less, younger children in time to accompany each other is not easy to panic; before the official wedding should create conditions so that they are familiar with each other, build friendships with each other. Wedding ceremony rehearsal, guided by the well-known flower rehearsal process that lets them in the most intuitive way to understand and adapt their task. However, excessive correction is not desirable or even reprimanded, after all, for the role of the flower girl, let children keep a curious and relaxed state, with a pleasant smile appeared in the wedding scene, is more important.
Flower quality and etiquette Generally choose a flower girl aged 2--4 5--8-year-old girl holiday dresses and boys, because children of this age, shape accord "childish Jiaohan" popular impression, and more able to obey adults Directive. In addition to looking at the children of relatives and friends, and now there are some etiquette brokerage by "professional flower" to choose from. In fact, in our view, than those gestures law-abiding "professionals" have not been too many specially trained children, the reaction at the wedding will be more natural something cute. Small flower that does not stage fright, afraid of life, walking sitting relatively law, cheerful not love crying, basic can successfully complete the task. If the flowers have a personal specialty, may wish to consider the appropriate links added performance ingredients, wedding scene will bring more excitement and surprises.