Use your credit card to make online purchases so that if you be a victim of fraud, you might have some option. The credit card company will investigate and potentially give you your money back. But watch for identity theft. And watch that credit card bill, the criminals might hold onto it for months–even years before they start employing your account without your knowledge. Experts say these online con artists usually are hard to catch and almost impossible to power down. This is also going on in the limo and party bus industry, too.
Say yes to the prom dress, no to the scam: Experts warn of online cons
CHI TOWN — It’s that season: High school kids already thinking about prom season. It is also the growing season ready for internet scams.
The scams that are targeting teens right now translate in many industries. In this case, high school girls are shopping online for their Two Piece Prom Dresses 2015. When they find it on websites online for a fraction of the cost, they often times leap and click too early. They think they’re saving money, but in the end, they are the ones who pay the price.

Use your credit card to make online purchases so that if you be a victim of fraud, you might have some option. The credit card company will investigate and potentially give you your money back. But watch for identity theft. And watch that credit card bill, the criminals might hold onto it for months–even years before they start employing your account without your knowledge. Experts say these online con artists usually are hard to catch and almost impossible to power down. This is also going on in the limo and party bus industry, too.
Use your credit card to make online purchases so that if you be a victim of fraud, you might have some option. The credit card company will investigate and potentially give you your money back. But watch for identity theft. And watch that credit card bill, the criminals might hold onto it for months–even years before they start employing your account without your knowledge. Experts say these online con artists usually are hard to catch and almost impossible to power down. This is also going on in the limo and party bus industry, too.
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