Because the required steps as a rockstar isn't about the parties or having a big personality, and it's really not about being wild and impulsive. It's about developing a strong foundation that's predictable and kind of boring. A writer has to sit down to write every day. A musician needs to practice. A good Youtube video star needs to think of a comfortable stream of content Sweetheart Floor Length Green Prom Dress. To accomplish our dreams, the number one quality that will get anyone there is consistency.
' '. Consistency. It's funny that probably one of the greatest predictors of success is so unsexy. You could be really smart and very well connected (or really rich, or really educated, or any of them that we think we need to make it), but if you don't sit down to do the work, what happens? Nothing is going to happen. However, you could have nothing and start with nothing, and then build an empire, as long as you're consistent. So what about the ones who really break out these days and who can maintain success for the long haul? If they aren't out there being wild and crazy, then what are they doing instead, and how can we get what they have?
Here are five steps. 1. Protect Your time The proverbial rockstars of the world protect the time that they must create their art or otherwise get their work done. They prioritize it, and they make it happen, come terrible or high water. They don't make excuses. 2. Take care of Your body They also protect their instrument -- their bodies. They take care of themselves. They get enough sleep. They exercise. They eat well and healthfully, without dieting and scrimping. They eat real, a good diet that offer them the vitality to accomplish their work. 3. Show up for the Long haul They show up, day in and day trip, even when it looks on top like nothing much is going on. They don't demand instant gratification, because there's no such thing as an overnight success. They put their heads down and revel in the process of hard work. Because let's face it, no one is guaranteed as a rockstar. To as well make sure you enjoy the work.
This morning when i was at the gym weightlifting, I was wishing for a hotter, fitter, more restrictive, stronger body -- all of the things that could happen if I'm consistent in going to a fitness center. The funny thing is, we would like these things: the success, the hot bod, and so on. And a part of us thinks that just wishing and planning and hoping will get us there. But that it is showing up, day after day after day... it's not the most romantic notion, pushing away at something, being consistent, staying quiet while we just do what needs to have finished... but it's showing up and just doing it that will get us the results. 4. Value Each day It feels as though this simple thing, that question that arises daily: "What must i do today? inch That one day is only one drop in the bucket. It doesn't seem important, what we do with that one day. But all of those falls, added up over time, are a FORCE that can drive your days toward greatness and abundance and health and happiness -- or not -- depending on how seriously we consider that question.
5. Improve Your Routine Variety is the liven of life. That saying makes us believe that routine is a way to make life bland, but on the contrary. It's by developing the right routine, and keeping it consistently, that life can get delicious, and bigger, and more exciting. I used to enjoy wine each night with dinner. It helped to cure stress, it was delicious, and trying new wines seemed exciting to me. I thought parties were the surest ticket to a good time. But I was not sleeping well. I was not on my A-game during the day. And I was never going to get anywhere by hanging onto that habit. I was not going to get up early and write every morning because sleeping in felt better. Life took on a "groundhog day" repetitive quality. Nothing new would happen. I was not going to meet new people or have very many new experiences that way.
So community . was challenging, I ditched my daily wine habit. Once I perfected in on the habits and routines that would enable me to access my writing, I could get consistent about it. And it's really that consistency that led me to create a book. It was a regular, predictable routine that opened up new scenery, new avenues in order to connect with people and putting myself out there into the world. From where I'm sitting, routine brings the liven of life.